

A New Beginnings
We've been through even so many years
Memories recalls ahead unpredictably
Together, alongside the same walks of life
Combating against the trials positively
Unrelentless blessings and misfortunes
Ongoing progress towards flourishing
Accomplishments vs. procrastination
What a blockbuster, rewatchable movie
You may lose hope, lost your patience
Take your time to clear an elusive mind
Closing a chapter on messy yearbook
Wasn't easy for a brokenhearted or broke
Uneased or depressed, an unexpected suspense
Indeed, certainty for each others' arms
Where echoes of our future meets ends
A new beginning, a new day, a new life
Soon will arise with a beautiful sunrise
Breathe calmly, spread contagious love
Originality, a creative tool for success
An unbreakable bondings such epoxy
Glued for eternity, thanks to you family
Our nostalgic longing doesn't lasts forever.

Guess My Pseudonym?
