

GOD is almighty and kind
God is a perfect combination of
power, might, strength, unstoppable, great
and gentleness, kindness, merciful and peace.

To Moses He appeared as a burning bush
full of power and might.
Then to Elijah a strong wind came shaking the mountains and scattering the rocks,
then an earthquake, after that a fire,
but only when a gentle breeze came, that was when Elijah knew it was GOD.

GOD is strong and gentle
He is kind and just
almighty and merciful.
GOD is your judge, so fear Him
and He is also your Father, so delight in Him.

Delight in the fear of the LORD, this means to
Respond to God in prayerful, reverent awe, trusting in God completely and demonstrating an unwavering obedience to His instruction.
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