

Make it stop.
Your notes,
Are the only things I have,
The words are like melodies that float(s),
But the letters sometimes misbehave.

I try to move but I'm stuck to your rules.
Your words, my melody in plain view, the strings that they pull.
The way your lips move, I'm obssessed but I lost the view.
I see the clock ticking but I still lose the touch of time cos your touch still rules.
I use this present tenses cos I still wish someday I'd be back to you.
I could be a perfectionist but everything is still a mess without you.
I'd read these words of yours in the late of the night,
Hoping they'd soothe these desires that rage within, till you'll be back to stay.
I try to wave these thoughts off when I remember how we ended things.
But this notes of yours takes me back and fills me in.
If you could please tap onto it and get it to know you no longer reside in this domain.
Cos it keeps pulling me back to these long gone tales.

Sheriff, Salamat Arafat.
© SaAra.