

“To move is to live, irrespective of direction motion is that all the same”

To move is to live,
Yet, what is movement without growth,
Without change in the soil beneath your feet?
When each step echoes the last,
And the horizon stays as distant as before?

A climb toward something unknown,
A whisper of hope that dares you forward.
Yet sometimes,
Even upward paths feel like the same circles,
Reaching higher but never closer.

The slow surrender to what was,
A backward dance with familiar shadows,
Lulled by the comfort of repetition.
But is falling back not still motion?
A descent into the known?

The quiet ache of standing still.
The moment when time moves, but you do not.
Roots wrapped around your ankles,
Yet the wind still pulls your hair.

To move is to live,
Yet not all movement feels alive.
What then, is the truth of stillness,
When progress and regress blur into one?

In this space, I hover—
Between longing for flight
And the weight of standing still.
To live is to move,
But what life is there in a step
That takes you nowhere?

The grip of eternity,
The anticipation of uncertainty,
The disdain of regression,
The desparation for a step into new fields,
The potential and future, repetitions appeal.

The ruminations of the past,
The remnants of a memory,
The restraints of a distance long passed,
The chance for growth, the need for movement,
Is return not such?
Is forward the only crutch,
A plant of permanence, the roots of stagnation clutch,
They stifle,
They rip,
They tear,
They cut,

Run forward,
Fall backward,
To move is to live,
It shines a light of change,
The enemy of stagnation,
Motion of endless range
To live is to move.
Irrespective of direction we evolve all the same.
Live fearlessly. Be Unashamed.

© Soundz