

Soleful Transformation
A woman's shoe, so small and thin,
Dreamed of becoming a boot, to fit in.
For though it was beautiful and grand,
It never felt quite right, in its own brand.

It longed for something, more sturdy and strong,
A design that would last, and never be wrong.
And so it dreamed of transformation,
To be reborn, in a new creation.

Like a transgender soul, it yearned to be,
A reflection of its true identity.
For though it was called a "woman's shoe",
It knew deep down, it was something new.

It longed to break free, from its narrow confines,
To spread its wings, and soar to new heights.
And so it dared to dream, of a different form,
To be reborn, in a boot that would transform.

For like a soul, that's trapped in the wrong skin,
A shoe can feel, the same pain within.
And though it may seem strange, to those around,
It longs to be true, to the self it has found.

So let us embrace, the shoe that wants to be,
A boot that will set it free.
For in its journey, we can all find,
A courage and strength, that's one of a kind.

© AlmaDada