

The woMEN
Hey women,
Although you were suppressed by this world from years your mesmerising love, care, roles,responsibilities made this world astonishing.
hey femme,
Your are not as feeble as people think. you are buffed with wisdom and stuffed with selfless love and care biologically.
Hey lady,
The freedom now you were enjoying was the fight by a few women who turned themselves like a rebellions to cut the clichés and set themselves like a becon to show the path to move you thereby.
Hey lassie,
It's the time to you to start revolution on remained sterotypes and make the development till now is a part of evolution, which in turn help future generations to shine like a star.
Hey colleen,
you are not a separatist as patriarchal think. you kept men within you and turned out to be a perfect woMEN..
© Rohini Ganisetti