

If only I could
If only I could vanish every now and then,
who knows where and when ?
I'm in love it feels,
with whom I know not.
This blissfulness has reached a spectacular depth in my thoughts,
even stretching the undefined extent.
It propagates and so it not rots,
I could not have gotten a bit of it, a chance to myself had I not lent.
If only I could vanish every now and then,
who knows where and when ?
Even a barren land spreads its arm for you as it sees your hands full of seeds to be sown in its fragmented bossom,
a meaning to life you and I will cultivate when those buds will spring out and blossom.
At times , silence ends up being a confinement,
but stillness would never be.
Defy and deviate I must be willing to so to discover myself drowned in glee.

© Swarnim Anand