

Dear Momma.

The first time you laid your eyes on me,
All you could see was an innocent soul,
All you could think of, was my future
All you could think of, was nothing but only the beauty of what the future holds
But I guess the universe had it's own plans

I now find myself questioning my existence
I now find myself seeking comfort in the wrong arms
Life is a like wheel,
Life is an unknown book,
Life is like a question paper with no memorandum,
So they say,

I was never like this
I never imagined life this way
I never saw myself like this, ever!
I am now,
I am now a stranger to myself
To everyone close to me

How do I define myself?
Where do I even start if I had to?
Where did it even go wrong?
What went wrong?

Nothing you did was wrong,
You did all you can
You played your role the best way you can
Dear Momma,
That innocent soul you birthed,
That beautiful smile,
That young self driven boy,
That boy is gone!, with no hope of coming back
All that was forcefully taken by the cruelty of this world

As you go down on your knees as always,
Let it be my name that you first mention
For I hope to heal
For my heart longs for peace
Dear Momma
It was nothing that you did wrong
I guess it's just life as they always say
Dear Momma
Your son is miserable
© Thato Mangwegape