Half of a Year
Poem no. 5
Of shores we'd come by once for semester
But sinister be the darkness to sequester
And a mask do barrier our bodies better
Yet still a horror as fear progresses bigger
Now dillydally be us in cages as we muster
For a panacea that should be given sooner
Shall we not and the surges grow faster
Hath we gulped in six months of sad letters
Now besought for our own systemic creeds
Riots of our own blood as we hath decreed
And bewildered...
Of shores we'd come by once for semester
But sinister be the darkness to sequester
And a mask do barrier our bodies better
Yet still a horror as fear progresses bigger
Now dillydally be us in cages as we muster
For a panacea that should be given sooner
Shall we not and the surges grow faster
Hath we gulped in six months of sad letters
Now besought for our own systemic creeds
Riots of our own blood as we hath decreed
And bewildered...