

Beauty Of Kindness
Kindness is an underrated word,
It's power is usually unused,
Look at how trees grow everyday,
Giving us oxygen and shade,
Despite us chopping them away.
To be kind and generous is not laborious,
Just takes a small gesture to evoke emotions...

Helping an elderly person with their grocery bag.
Holding the door for someone who's behind.
Giving money to a beggar with a child on her lap,
Even if she seems to use the child to her advantage,
She is a mother end of the day.
Being humble when you are successful,
Success may perish, but humility will be remembered.
Helping your mom and wife with the household chores,
Saying thank you to them for taking care of us.
Cooking dinner for your brother or husband once in a while,
It won't make us less of an independent woman in life.
Appreciate and respect everyone's hardwork,
We all have our own unique struggles...

Kindness is a beautiful word,
And when put to use,
It helps create a beautiful world.

I mean every word of this poem.

© Polkola
#kindness #World #beauty #Life&Life #lifelesson #Struggle #emotions #Love&love #warmth