

Ferris Wheel
The time between dusk and dawn,
The time between night and morn,
I travel beyond places unknown,
Mind lapsing and being accident prone.

Destinations of blurred lines,
Ancient and aging like fine wines.
The psyche plane,
Forever one jumbled mess,
Collateral puzzle pieces,
Like dull glass splinters,
Slicing into my skin,
Over and Over again,
Round and round the ferris wheel.

Buzzing of sounds,
Voices attacking with venom,
Spirits of malice,
Forever haunting me.

There are monsters underneath my bed
Voices singing in my head
Chanting so hard,
Reminding me of the glass shard,
Gotten so caught up
The monsters no longer there,
Into the day, they disappeared
Instead i create them now
Over and over again,
Round and round the ferris wheel.

I've become the monster,
Glowing dark eyes,
Channelling my inner malevolence,
A sudden warmth cascaded upon me,
Sweet aroma of coffee beans,
Over and over again,
Round and round the ferris wheel,
It was just a dream.

A nightmare dressed as a proclamation,
I know what I must do.....
