

You gain love by giving love,
But how do we ascertain,
Rather get to know for a fact,
That the love that we get in return,
Is pure or just a treacherous act,

Not that I am a pessimist or a hater of love,
But a sceptic whose too scared to recommit,
Repaint the canvas of my heart,
With the bright colours of resplendent love,
That had once given me pain and had wounded my loving heart,

I wish I could reverse time,
And go back to the past,
Prevent myself from falling in love with the person,
Who irrevocably shattered my trust,
And made me completely fall apart,

Although the hurt has turned me into a cynic,
There is still some hope left within the confines of my heart,
That make me believe that one day I will get to meet a person,
Who will break the shackles that have bound me,
And fill love back into my empty emotionless heart.
© Gareema Raju