

The neighborhood Fantasy
To: The Healing Chronic

From: Your Epic Sonic

Act #:1

Pillar of Unification

There is a small & welcoming store in the middle of the city that has everyone thrifting ever so giddily.

It is a place surrounded in mischief.
The employees know how to kill a shift.
Raising proud and respectable misfits, that are able to travel along the rift.
Sometimes, they question their gifts.
Sometimes, a loud spectacle hits.
But, even they would have to admit, they would not dare share a spliff.

Warm energy flows throughout the building.
Relationships forged with guests of common interests.
Guiding their agents along the path of success.
Along an open playing field of friendships.

Connections are in progress.
Growth is in session.
An infinitely expanding process.
Where everyone is taught a lesson.

We welcome all to our call.
Letting them off with a generous haul.

Act: #2

Calling Reinforcements!

A fresh batch of submissions.
Betting on our predictions.
Which will get Christened?
Which will go missing?

Energetic seniors, eager for admission.
Fresh blood attracts love.
Wouldn't mind giving up their position.
For a reminder of a momentous journey soon to hit the gurney.

The past, they learn to embrace.
As they train their very own ace.
Recruits are favored in this place.
A lovely trial to be faced.

A tour of the settlement.
Testing their commitment.
Displaying their best.
So there is no contest.

It's quite a day.
Trained with pay.
What do you say?
Will you stay?

Act: #3

Corey's Domain

On the floor, there was a rack.
The clothes attached would not cut us any slack.
They'd fall to the floor ignoring order.
Challenging my mind and my OCD disorder.

He knows my pain, far too well.
He held strong, without a soul to tell.
Until, into his territory I fell.
We have both endured a treacherous hell.

It was the plus size rack, I swear!
Corey was there.
We're a pair.

Act: #4

Embroidered Jule

In the cloffice typing away.
Voices rally back and forth.
Hard at work, it's not for the pay.
Debating ideas carrying unseen worth.

A war for her rights occurs everyday.
It's hard to overlook the dismay.
However, within her own sector she's allowed to play.
Granted with the privilege of final say.
She compels the day to continue to slay.

Conveying orders ever so humbly.
Keeping an eye out for anything scrungily.
Coordinating it all to deter a fall.
That's why she is our doll.

Act: #5

Tea Left at Sea

Turnt to the shelves distraught.
No backup to be brought.
Disarray assortment of tiny attires.
Blamed the customers in our empire.

Conversations with the guests.
Ringing up many sets.
Back into the racks for another attack.
I think you got quite a knack.

Stocking racks.
All the while.
Facing stacks.
With a smile.

Tracing tracks.
You'd go a mile.
Mending cracks.
As per your profile.

You dance around the floor in a way we just can't help but to adore.
Our patrons can't help but to beg for more.
It's too bad, you're busy with a plethora of chores.
Gliding towards the back nullifying words.
Diving into a realm to another world.



In the back, inside the bins.
From beneath one of the piles exudes a whimper.
We're under attack, the clothes sometimes win.
Quick, everyone! Search for a finger!

Joined together for a sharing of kindred stories.
Slacking off is what you'd call a win.
Speaking with no filter, and without any categories.
Afterwards, reprimanding why we sin.

We're all seeking that hidden gem.
We exact treasures as if it's our birthright.
Sometimes, during the mayhem...
You don't see what's hidden in plain sight.

All we really need are our friends.
A group of jesters mixed together with the clothes.
They're the ones who persuade time to bend.
Having fun until we close.

The employees that were conducting stunts.
Reaching out past the sun.
Their echoes could be heard to those out front.
Conveying a delirium of fun.

This scenery of malleable hearts always prevents calamity.
Thank you for nurturing me in a habitat resembling family.

© KindredSouls