

The cloud of my heart is heavy
The cloud of my heart is heavy with sorrow and pain
As I navigate a world where love's sweet refrain
Is often overshadowed by hate and despair
And the beauty of life is marred by uncertainty's snare

No one knows what gender a pregnant woman will bring
A surprise that's both joy and wonder to sing
But in a world where men have become like Jezebel's guile
Spewing forth venom, deceit, and a treacherous smile

The cloud of my heart is heavy with the weight of it all
As I search for a glimmer of hope, a love that stands tall
In a world that's lost its way, where hate has taken the stage
I'll hold on to love's promise, a brighter tomorrow to engage

The cloud of my heart is heavy, but it won't rain on my soul
For I know that love's power can make the heart whole
And though the journey's long, and the road is winding and steep
I'll keep moving forward, my heart beating, my spirit keeping.

© Rukie vert