

Demons howl at the midnight hour
Singing their song of terror.
Talons uncurl, whispers unfurl
As the shadows come alive in the fire burning.
As the flames are reaching out
From deep within my body,
I can feel my flesh being ripped apart
Becoming the gateway to hell on Earth.
My body is no longer my own.
My soul cast aside as a pawn for Satan.
I'm afraid of the unknown
As the demons begin their reign of terror.
I can hear the shriek of horror
From the innocent and the damned.
With my soul lingering just outside my flesh
As I take my last breath if life.
Looking down upon what's left
Of my sift tissue
I realize I wasn't as strong as I thought
My weakness allowed me to be the conduit
Of evil
Now, I've been swallowed up and scalded from the inside.
Knowing of what I have become
I am now ashamed and want to hide
But to hide is to let the demons win
I will not be defeated by such evil.
My soul is now a beacon of light
For the innocent and the weak.
We must keep our faith
To survive the evil that has been unleashed.

© Anniemiles15