

No prejudice
The world isn't all rainbows, not full of glitters.
it's a Geod dark space with a bright globe to light it and shiny jewels
and when the globe is out
only few are lucky to be guided by the shiny jewels
toward a better life lane
shaping you into semi perfection
because perfection is a word out of fairytales,
a word that doesn't exist in our world
so nobody is and no one will be
you're different from the other
that doesn't mean you're better than them,
it doesn't mean you're perfect,
so no discrimination and criticism against each other.

Look into different perspectives,
explore others culture and beliefs
so at the end, you don't judge on looks and public images or behaviours
because a sinner to the world can be a close believer to the God than you are.
© khaulat m.