

We Can Be Amazing
Commonly said ,"We live only once ,so live it to the fullest", uncommonly heard," We die once and we live everyday. "How to live everyday ,so that every milli second is enjoyed, but how?? The answer seems to be difficult but not impossible. There are people of my species who itch for more and didn't want to settle for less, it's the curiosity that keep them going and to do something new, not to stick to one thing ..doing many things at one time ,expanding brain to explore beyond common.... all will definitely help you keep going and you will be enjoying every moment and with a brain which has now been tuned .

We Can Be Amazing
Life is bold so take it,

Sometimes you are bored ,so break it.

Chase you passion and grab every chance,

Don't lose hopes and get advanced .

Be greedy and desire for more,

There are no rules to explore.

Hurdles will follow you everywhere,

Dare to break them ,you're extraordinaire.

Be a tiger and roar loud,

Stand out from the crowd.

Luck will follow you ,keep you head high,

Spread your wings and fly.

Reach to the top and never surrender,

Brain should be strong and heart tender.

What others say should hardly matter,

Be a tale teller and write your chapter.