

If I can change..
If I can change...

I will change your heart ❤️
Fit the one that can think..
A brighter part.
That is concealed to malice.
And choose what is right.
Say no to prejudice and lies.
Opened to change..
And not blindfoldedly,
Adherent to rituals and rites.
Can think in terms of humanity,
Beyond religion,caste and creed.
Shouldn't be callous nd stern.
Spread the love where it can.
Keep ego and pride at a bay..
Give humbleness and pity a stay.
Has no room for jealousy,
Can credit every one amiably.
Accept defeat with courage.
Rather win by deceit nd sly.
Say adieu to hatred nd enmity.
Bridges the rifts nd anxiety.

Changing the World is not a mystery.
We can alleviate its pain nd misery.
By just changing our hearts. and
Inculcating love, kindness nd mercy.
We can restore back its beauty...
And can write a new history.

There is no doctrine to go through..
I can start a new..
If I can change...
I will change my heart..( I think plush mink heart will do this time...its very fluffy though 🤧😊😴.I will fall to sleep on it perhaps 💤.
Mhn Hsn

© mhnhsn