

Day and night, I dream for a friend like you..
who would hold my hand and say 'iam there with you'...

when I prank others, you would just stay behind me and say laughing, 'lets do this again'

when iam sad or distressed, you won't just turn around and go away.. instead you will just stay by my side and ask-'whats your problem, please say..'

whenever I feel lonely, you may just hug me and say-'i will never leave your side'...

whenever we fight, you won't ever just forget me and break my heart...instead you will just make sure if iam alright, no matter what I say and what I do...

whenever I leave,I wanna hear-'i miss you'..and I will do the same..

whenever you laugh, I wanna feel happy for you..and whenever I do, I hope the same from you...

I wanna see you in every of my crazy and childish dreams...and when I say this, you may stay in my real life too...

how I wish, I can get a friend like you... together we will make every impossible dream come true...

but I know...you don't exist, so I will just wait for you...maybe one day, I can get a friend like you...
© sabera unissa