

Commandment Countdown ( conclusion )
It is said that looking at the commandments we see how sinful we
are, seeing how much we have disobeyed God.
For if you at least break one commandment, you've broken them all,
making you a sinner and as your punishment you must be condemned,
but Christ is your Savior, His blood can cleanse you and forgive you.
God's eye are too Holy to look at evil,
you were once evil,
you were once God's enemy, I have been too,
but only through Christ can we be saved, given new life, made right with God and become His friends.
Understand that we are not perfect, we need Jesus Christ in our lives,
so today Christ is knocking at your door,
those who answer it. Christ will dine with them,
but those who don't want Christ in thier home, well on the day of the LORD,
Christ will not them enter His home.
Allow Him to heal, restore and forgive you.
For saying yes to Christ is the greatest decision you've or you will make.
And as you practice obeying God's commandments,
you will start delighting in them.
You say you love God, well of you really want that statement to be sincere
do what He requires us to do.
For Christ once said, " Those who accept My commandments and obey them, are the ones who love Me"
So in this you will be showing God you love Him and He loves you even more 💗😍

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