

The 1992...
1992 is the knife that cuts me day and Night so, uncle once in existence
Embedded in the blood of just 8000
Torn stripped naked from existence
Savegly swallowed by armed forces

Once in a city attacked, bombarded
All wiped out with the stain of blood
Knocking some unconscious
Image like someone in the corner of
Naked eye

Females brutally separated from families
Needle injects air and water into
Some veins.
Oh like mladic yo do live of bone and
Tissue. won't peace wipe issue.

When ears calm after WW2 said never same horrors
They slept innocently.
Not to wake up to Earth
Not sweet 8370.

20,30,50 chapters still darkness remains
No light shine at mladic
Like mladic empty from starving
Head turned stone and rock
Heart turned fire into pain forever

Eyes prick with few stars of sadness
Then placed behind brain
Still discrimination and racism not dead
Please remember close like September 8 2022.

© Haul Guma

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