

Let my life be filled with happiness of today and not tomorrow,
Let my ship be steadfast even in the deepest seas of sorrow,
It is not the peace that I hate,
but I shall love the adversities with the perfect mate.

So have we ever seen a beloved as she?

Is it the brilliance of her exquisite face,
Or is it the moon itself with it's reflecting grace?
The perfect specimen of the human race,
with wisdom and beauty in every trace.

One glance and words fail to describe a diamond so sheer,
the alluring face and oceanic eyes, the heavens feel so near.
Her smile, a beacon in the darkest night, pure and bright,
A soul so kind, a heart so pure, a radiant light.

Let the ways of the world lead me to her,
for she is a light so bright in the world so blur.
O writer of destinies, let her be my fate,
in her eyes, let my dreams resonate.
Let our souls grow as one, in life's endless state,
Together we'll conquer, no matter the weight.

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