

People tell me
People tell me
It's fine leave them when you are older
But the nights will be colder
The toxicity will be over
Your happiness will be high as a tower

Absence of a father is great
They tell me
You don't have people yelling at you
They tell me
It's better if he was dead before i was born
But he was the one to kill my joy
At the ripe age of 7

People tell me it's fine if your mother is-
Is what?
I am not sure of what to think
Toxicity or tough love
What will it be ?

Second choices , manipulation
Is it a sign she love me ?
Is it a sigh that kills me ?
Stockholm syndrome?
I am not sure
"Peope are bad I am good "
Is that phrase bad ?

Will you be the gothel ?
Am I the rapunzel?

Forgive me for sins I didn't commit
For thy I am a child which craves parental love
Hoping to get them from a man who is my lover .


why do I write such good poems after I cry for hours ?
© Eveie_Carnelian_3639