

Is the one who keeps the whole family together.
A lot of fights and a lot of quarrels,
are sorted by mom in a simple manner.
She is the jaan of all,
She is the supreme among all.
There are several problems I'm always Stuck in,
But she always have a soltuion to come out of it.
She is a gem,
which is hard to get.
Her Voice is like a master,
evryone has to follow her order.
She is definitely the Definition of Simplicity and kindness,
its true but sometimes I also have got shocked by her boldness.
She has the courage to do whatever for her loved ones,
Afterall she is the one who cares most of everyone.
Into her eyes there is always certain emotion,
Just for her family to have a stable position.
Her love is unconditional for us,
So lets do something to make her proud from us.
Whatever is my age is,
I will always need my Ma around me.
Thank you Mom for everything,
I promise to never let you down in anything.

© itschitbox

Here, if you are still reading Thank you so much. Its my Mother's Birthday today.
'Happiest Birthday to you my dear Aai❤'
I didnt had anything to gift her so I wrote a gift to her..I hope she would like it. And Thank you!😊