

My obdurate spirit chose to go on;
To complete the task of which it is born.
Though the journey looks so tardy,
It has decided to be strong by rising steady.

For the screening fecundity of the destination.
Blissful and Elysian joy filled in my vision .
My legs, though so weary and feeble.
I will go on to make my dreams attainable.

In the deglutition of many great pains,
I can only rest and rise gallantly I again;
As the proof of the pudding is in the eating,
After every fall, I will keep on rising.

Because surely I will reach there someday,
Satisfaction will make it a red-letter day
So memorable will be my sweat's dregs.
Because I will rise after every fall till the end.

No failure is prone to fatality,
No best success is assumed as finality,
What counts is how much you rise.
How much you accepted to rise again.

© Nelson Chrysantus O.C