

No Longer Exist!!!
Why do you hate who you are?
What do you wish for upon a falling star?
Did something happen in your past that left a mental scar?

You can’t believe you’ve fallen so far!
Feel like a loser anyway so it’s on par!
Why does everyone think you’re so bizarre?

You’ve fallen so low you could set the bar!
Often wishing you could run out into traffic and get hit by a car!
Are you so close to ending everything that you’ve left that door ajar?

Unfortunately this where your mind is always at!
People have called you a dirty rat!
In the past made fun of you calling you fat!

You wanted to take them out with a violent swing of a baseball bat!
You changed though wearing a different kind of hat!
No violence instead let’s have a nice little chat!

Internally struggling your mind always ready for mental combat!
The demons always annoying you like a pesky little gnat!
Your mind hurts so much you’re almost ready to jump off a tall building and go splat!

You know you’re a loser and nobody actually likes you!
Doesn’t matter how many times they say that’s not true!
Your mind is made up there’s no happiness to try and pursue!

You may not always show it but you’re always feeling so low and so blue!
You feel like your life is ready to be over and through!
People look at you and see you but truly haven’t the slightest clue!

Every negative thought your demons tell you stick in your head and heart like glue!
Is it time to give the devil his due?
You don’t how much more your broken mind can go through!

It’s like your being ripped apart mentally in two!
You have always hated yourself too!
You’ll never make anyone else happy so what else are you supposed to do?
Think happy thoughts your told but for you there’s very few!

You’re always in constant mental anguish and insecure pain!
At least inside that’s what you feel in your brain!
Honestly how you think and feel it’s hard to explain!

A false happy facade you’re able to maintain!
You’re all alone riding that long black train!
Your head tells you there’s no reason left on this earth for you to remain!

Your mind is under too much mental strain!
Maybe you can just drown in the rain!
Have you just instead gone completely insane?

This struggle you can’t continue to sustain!
You think you’re nothing in this life but that of the tiniest little stain!
Believe if you died nobody would complain!

You think you’re ready to finally say goodbye cuz you’ll never be missed!
It’s what your demons tell you and they insist!
They tell you just go slit your throat or wrist!

Or take a beating from a powerful fist!
Everyone gets the gist!
Got tired of always getting dissed!

Listening to those demons getting harder to resist!
Just like a movie is there a major plot twist?
Nope guess not you just wish that you’d no longer exist!

© BDawg90