

In the beginning...
There is God
By Him, everything seen and unseen exists
It's Him, that stretched out the ends of the earth
It's Him, that raised high the mountains
He separated the light from the darkness.
He is the same God.

Same God that was in the ancient days
Saving Noah from the floods
Delivering His chosen from the hand of Pharaoh
It's Him that clothed Esther with Favor before the King,
That the scripture is reflected on
That He shall go before you and make your crooked ways straight.
He is the same God

By Him all things exist
Even the beauty of man is in His image
But where does evil come from?
Hidden deep in a man's heart
Hypocrisy lies under his smile
Hatred is deep within the sweet words on his lips
Flowing like bitterness in the coarseness of his voice
He is like a tree with ripen rotten fruits
Maybe be his beauty has hidden the evil within
But, He was made in God's image, and we worship the same God
Even those that plan evil against us
Those that fake love towards us
Those that devise evil but act friendly
Worship the same God

But is he the same God
or they're worshipping a god that they've not known?
My God is the source of truth, their god is the father of lies
My God is love, peaceful and perfect, their god is the source of destruction
If they're are the ones that wish evil for others
Hide hypocrisy under their smiles
I need to ask them,
Do we worship the same God?

Is he the same God that raises the dead
And you want to see them die
Is He the same that heals the broken hearts, and these hearts you constantly seek to break.
Is He one that showered his love for us at the cross, including you that hides hatred under fake smiles
Do you know the God you worship?
Is He the same God?

© saakigift