

Advantages and Disadvantages of being "Boys"

--->Physically stronger by nature. Also faster and quicker.
--->Don't have to go through Menstruation.
--->Don't have to take the pain of bearing a child or giving birth.
--->People don't expect you to be good at cooking or doing household chores.
--->Freedom. People don't question you if you roam at night.
--->You can pee anywhere
--->Have better control over their emotions and feelings(Except S**)

Disadvantages :

--->Less fashion accessories and clothes compared to girls.
--->You have to be "Manly", you cannot (should not) cry in the presence of other person even if volcanoes of emotions are trying to erupt.
--->In case if an argument breaks out between a guy and a girl, general public will always bias towards the girl.
--->Giving up your seat in public transport to a girl.
--->Don't get attention from the opposite sex as easily as the girls get.
--->Girls get free entries in clubs and parties. --->Guys don't unless they have a date.
--->Always expected to have a higher salary.
--->Before marriage you only ask the guy about his pay and not the girl.
--->Guys have to look for a job after they complete their studies, girls not compulsarily need to get a job.