

Sisterly Love
I have three older sisters but all my life it has felt like I didn’t have any of them.
And I hate it.
It makes me very sad.
I never had a sisterhood.
I never had a sister bond.
I never had a bond with my sisters
And it breaks my heart.
It breaks my heart to have sisters.
It breaks my heart to know that I do have sisters yet it feels like I don’t have any sisters at all.
Instead I’m left yearning.
I’m left yearning for a heart to heart with my sisters.
Yearning for a girls night out.
Yearning for a girls talk.
Yearning for a girls sleepover with my sisters.
Yearning for a good gossip session about the latest news in the world with my sisters.
Yearning for a good laugh with my sisters.
Yearning for a good cry with my sisters.
Yearning for boy advice from my sisters.
Yearning for advice at all from my sisters.
I never got the chance to do my sisters hair.
They never got a chance to do my hair.
I never got a chance to lean on my sisters whenever my heart was broken.
I never knew about any of their heartbreaks at all.
I never got the chance to swap or share clothes with my sisters.
I never got the chance to help my sisters with a fight and they never got a chance to help me during my fights.
I couldn’t get too catty with girls or women (matching their energy) due to fear of being jumped.
They would have had their sisters to have their backs.
I wouldn’t have had my sisters to have my back.
They would have had their solid girl friends (friends of theirs) to have their backs.
I don’t have a friend to call on to have my back.
It breaks my heart knowing I have sisters.
It breaks my heart having sisters.
And in the end I’m left feeling like I don’t have any sisters at all.
It hurts.
I’ve always yearned for sisterly love.
I have sisters.
But I’ve never experienced sisterly love
I have sisters. I don’t have the love.
My sisters feel like strangers to me.
All I ever wanted was their sisterly love.-W.O.S.

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