

An apology
It was a fearsome lonely night
When we walk into each other's plight
I never knew love was so charming
Until I saw your eyes smiling.

I believed there was no hope,
For you are a star in the moonlit sky.
You were like a river sprung from heaven
And you rained on me with blissful delight.

No words of thanks are enough for your care.
Invisible , silent but it holds me in its warm embrace.
You were patient with me, with my pitiful self.
You believed the words of a broken self
And held it together with everything left in you.

I did lose my way, I did bring you pain
But not once you left me.
Even if you were not there , your presence was always felt.
You are my home, My hope,the very breath that keeps me alive.

Worry not , for I have found my way back.
You can rest for now. I will be your shade like you were mine .
An apology would not be enough for the pain I brought to you.
But I am sorry. There won't be anymore tears in your eyes Or sorrow in your heart

And I will be there with all your decisions
Even if the world's cave in, I will be there
No more tears, No more pain

For the last time,
Let me embrace you in my warmth.
Slowly in our own pace and in our own way ..let's build the world we dreamt of.

© arundasvadu