

Oh, twins!

what a blessing they are,

cause a child is a blessing,

and theirs comes in double.

They share the same uterus,

share the same placenta,

share the same features,

and everything of theirs are in pairs.

They're indeed double blessings,

while some cultures label them double jeopardy,

their upkeep demands for double budget,

and people have headache over their duplicity of identity.

They're best of friends,

nobody hardly comes between them,

not even their parents,

or their spouses.

They're almost inseparable as if they're conjoined twins,

who are beyond surgical separation,

their bond is unbreakable not even by marriage,

cause sometimes they stay unmarried.

Their wives have to deal with mistaken identity,

so do their husbands struggle with their identity,

neighbors get confused over their identity,

and strangers marvel their identity.

They can be mischievous sometimes,

by deceitfully switching their positions,

to conceal other's misdeeds,

or to cover for the other.

For identical twins,

they don't only look alike,

but have the same genes,

cause they are formed from a single egg.

For mirror image twins,

anytime they're together,

it's like one looking at oneself in the mirror,

what a beauty it is to have a living mirror.

Created by:

Mohammed Shittu