


Dear best friend,
I don't know where to begin to describe you,
to appreciate you, to thank you
I might as well just say Thank you mamaa.
Life with you is super amazing,
I wouldnt ask for more.
When am all down and my soul needs lifting,
You always there for that.
No complains, no bad blood,
I love you for this.

Dear best friend,
To me you that treasure I wonna hold on to,
No price is matched to our friendship,
No distance, no human
This humans have to accommodate both of us, - this friendship
What we have is priceless

Dear best friend,
We all have different opinions in life,
Sometimes we may not agree to everything each one of us thinks
Sometimes we forced to make some decisions that shakes us,
Some that are against what we believe in.
But I hope when this days arises,
We work out and get stronger than before.

Dear best friend,
Hours, days, months pass
Without a sight of each other,
I hope I don't get replaced someday🙈
Imma be jealous and selfish for once
Dear best friend, you not allowed to have another best friend.
Coz I wonna share all this memories you,
The laughter, the cries,
The long night calls,
The bad decisions,
The walks that we end up getting lost,
The talks to bring together our better halves,
And not to forget vitenge Lazima tushone🤦🏽‍♀️
Not only today but forever.
You will always be my best friend
My bad company.
I love you mamaa
And happy birthday Laura.

A birthday letter to my best friend Laura Njiru.
© Olive shiku