

Happy Independence Day Dear India

On this day of pride, let's gather as one,
To celebrate the land where our freedom was won.
India, our nation, so vibrant and diverse,
Unwavering in its spirit, a symbol of our worth.

Independence Day, a time to reflect,
On the sacrifices made, the battles we've met.
We stand united, with hearts full of pride,
Against the invisible culprits, we shall ride.

Together we rise, hand in hand,
Against the forces that seek to disband,
Our nation's values, our unity strong,
We'll fight for justice, against all wrong.

Let's cast away the darkness of greed,
Embrace the light of love, indeed.
In unity, we'll conquer, we'll strive,
To make our India truly come alive.

From the mountains to the seas,
We're bound by a shared legacy.
We'll protect our sovereignty, our heritage,
For the generations to come, an everlasting bridge.

So come, let's unite, let's stand as one,
On this Independence Day, let's stand under the same sun.
With determination and courage in our hearts,
We'll overcome, we'll triumph, we'll chart new starts.

Together, we'll safeguard our land,
Against those who harm, who try to disband.
For India, our beloved motherland,
Let's fight, let's protect, hand in hand.

Happy Independence Day, dear India,
May your glory shine brighter each day.
Let us cherish our freedom and unite,
As we march forward, spreading love's light.
© V.G