

Extract Exact Facts
Oh, how often the wish taunts my mind
Imagine if we could press Rewind,
To a moment where the truth we'd find?

If I had one wish, it sure would be this:
Eliminate all of the filters and skits
That liars perform, although ridiculous

I think most know when they aren't believed
Reactions arent usually mispercieved
And dishonesty brings focus with intensity

Great attention is always paid
So liars know how the track is laid;
Is it sturdy or will it break in the shade?

So if there were anything I could change
It would be to end thjs game of charade
Allow only the truth to be relayed

The world would be a better place
Imagine how less hearts would badly break
Knowing a cheating partner was fake?

I would change the world if I could
But I can't, so let's all do what we should
Let honesty win, then go on as you would.

I wish I didn't ever have to cry,
Or that no one would ever hear another lie
This could be a reality if we all gave it a try

I will change the world in my little way
However small, we all can start today:
Just tell the truth and don't let your voice sway.

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