

One Day, I bumped into... ( A short story)
One day, I bumped into a curious stranger who looked exactly like me. Stunned, I realized it was a reflection of my younger self, shimmering in a mysterious portal. "Who are you?" I asked, bewildered.

"I am you, from a time when dreams were limitless and fears were few," my old self replied with a nostalgic smile.

"How is this possible?" I stammered, trying to comprehend the surreal encounter.

"We're connected through time and memories, a reminder of who you once were and who you can become," my old self explained gently.

As I gazed at my younger reflection, a sense of wonder and possibility washed over me. "Thank you for this encounter," I whispered, feeling inspired by the meeting with my old self, a beacon of hope and wisdom from the past.
© Simrans