

Dear Family
What if I started going by "they"
Would you still treat me the same
Or would you just throw me away
Tell me that I'm the one to blame

What if I started going by "them"
Would you still continue to love me
Or is it me you're going to condemn
Trapping my feelings so I can't be free

Maybe you'll accept me for who I am
You'll continue to care about my life
Or maybe you'll shrug and not give a damn
These "what if"s are filling me with strife

Should I tell you the truth
And just get it over with?
But what if you're stuck in your youth
And my gender identity just feels like a myth?

Can I trust you?
I don't know.
What do I do?
Maybe I'll just start with "hello"

And I'll go from there...

© Sam T. Parker