The unrest of the butterflies...
"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."
Kahlil Gibran
Amidst the cacophony of ours
I await the cacophony of stars.
In their silent language,
They speak to me more verse
Than I could ever make.
So in the quiet hours of the night,
I wait for them to guide me home,
I do not know what truth we chase everyday,
When life's an illusion already.
And it's a dismay, we're frightened
To be flooded by light,
When days are inebriated with it
And nights so ardently seek for it.
In the most...
Kahlil Gibran
Amidst the cacophony of ours
I await the cacophony of stars.
In their silent language,
They speak to me more verse
Than I could ever make.
So in the quiet hours of the night,
I wait for them to guide me home,
I do not know what truth we chase everyday,
When life's an illusion already.
And it's a dismay, we're frightened
To be flooded by light,
When days are inebriated with it
And nights so ardently seek for it.
In the most...