my lord my loved my heart
I met you on my teen aged days
gio is not your real name
youre present is so attractive
your smile can win million heart
youre smartness is
not a questionable thing
Ive have a crush on you
Things and movements is different
When your their
Things stop each time i see you
World is meaningless
Withouth you
but things will never been
the same as before
everything revolve,
everything changes
things happened
because of some people mistake
and instick become the most
powerful truth that can tell
dreams are made by god
god tells everything
his way of saying the truth
his way of taking care of lifes
and his own appreance
on someones life
became history
One day
things is miraculous
in a way people
cant explained it
but theres only one thing
people should remember
truth is truth
and thats god
everything can be broken
but his promised remained
his the way
his the truth
he is life
no one is better than him