

still waiting.
I've been waiting. For months now, for your hand to reach out to me. I tried and in the end you always end up ghosting me. I know I'm a ghost; as good as dead; but you make me feel like I'm dead to you. Is it such a pain to reach out for me when I did with my hands tired from reaching out again and again? Do you think about me when all I do is think about you? I think I get it now I've been a ghost all along; dead to you. How could I reach the living? How can I be such a fool for expecting? I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of reaching out. I'm tired of writing messages and deleting them every time the thought crosses my mind that you did not. I'm tired of expecting. I'm too tired. Too tired from all this waiting; stuck in time. I'm tired of this loud silence between us; I'm gonna go deaf.

© k. k.