

To my little overcomers
The future is promised to the wise and the wild;
Even the careless, the illusionist and the drunkard...
The oppressors, their victims and the ones with the scars that try to hide.

The world sees you angelic amidst its cruel and selfish ways, because you see the world as an injured body deserving love and grace.

The world holds the hearts of those broken and battered by a system of inequality, equity and injustice that exposes our societal challenges and personal frailties....
Where our colour threatens liberty
Poverty pressures one to belittle their integrity
Your class and educational background determines who you marry
Dependency on Technology corrupts independent thinking and rationality
Your status dictates where and by whom you are accepted
And finally even you..are self-rejected

But the future is promised to the wise and the wild;
The ones who thinks differently and aim high.

The ones who have experienced brokenness, except of that of the mind.
Those who consistently believes that all things are possible because of the divine.

I hope to meet you all one day soon and show you all the love that you never experienced..from family, your community and society

-For this will give me the greatest joy
Love Tan