

close are closer
Saturday outfits and mi main moreover to the inspired inspection as of to the daylight this is and a new man of mind I'm meeting to the 7 year old life I lift up my Hands and holding i hold. thanks and giving thanks and good palm pales of handshaking and deal trading. big ups to my to my pirate ship and all people around in air my favorite mind over mattets fine art wine and delegation down siding and location of Trifecta in thought God head a walking slow downs and visions of the wars it took to win to get to 9 half. growing up to the third row of life and I know chairs and run the table. the gift of the art to not be to deceive and decide and concur the element of each line of disguise so now being only able of all knowing and I'll compromise Cholla Lo easy carry and Chase. no games to go with while rip come to the meeting best chedtplate sword helmet and my backyard heads. games of real war. made of life happiness firm everything and the answers to any survivalist diamond kinsmen to me and my impeccable humongous outstanding achievements. nice to meet up I. I am a samurai. day by day and night by night. candles and rice. I'm Nathan and now almost 32..and I'm 29. so hi. 117930400k 1200b 278m and the town.