


I woke up with an anxious start day before yesterday
Almost like the ‘Storm fear’ from days of old, although I haven’t drunk alcohol Or smoked weed in almost 5 year's

I know why I feel this way, I have a lot going on and I am pushing comfort zones, and lines in the sand, all over the place

I have ‘believed’ in myself and that normally precedes a dose of imposter syndrome.

So yesterday I went for a walk and asked for some help
Whatever you believe in, there is guidance all around us, this one I know for'Sho

And this morning I came down to a white yellowish feather in my doorstep
And it eventually let me pick it up and take it inside!

And many of you will know how amazing this is, How peaceful this has now made me and how determined I feel, to see this through with all my courage and heart

Many of you will know how much these signs mean

And the hope of it all, The HOPE.
To be able to lift a beautiful little feather and release it to the sky (it’s okay, I waited and checked).

And I’m posting here quite simply because… if you have been waiting on a sign, I think it just came to me, to tell you all

There is hope.
We are perfectly right to be chasing glimmers and magic and signs.
Life is not black and white, it is all the colours and some invisible stardust we cant even see

And lots of messages from somewhere we have never been, but we hope exists

Keep hoping.
Keep on hoping that someone has your back

Because a little bird just told me, they really do, and it feels like an army behind me and all around me.

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