

"Shattered Reflections: Love's Battle Beyond the Glass"
He was head over heels in love with her.
She sighs after taking a long breath...
He sobs uncontrollably…
As they try to break through the glass that divides them

Hearts entwined, love's fiery flame,
She longs for him, her soul aflame.
Tears stream down, emotions collide,
Breaking the glass that keeps them aside.

With every sob, his love unfurls,
Yearning to hold her, his heart in twirls.
Together they strive, their spirits entwined,
Shattering barriers, love unconfined.

Through the glass, their fingers reach,
Yearning for a touch, a love to breach.
With determination, they fight the divide,
Breaking through, love cannot hide.

In this tale of love, their hearts prevail,
As they conquer obstacles, love's holy grail.
No glass can contain a love so true,
United they stand, forever anew.
© Saqib.S.Mir