

Reeling ascetic quixotic fools,
Amber shatters the ancient scrolls,
Truth revealed in broken moulds,
Illusions fade and lies unfold.

Exposing the sold essence of tales,
Bought for reuse to confuse,
Mere puppets on the strings of sales,
Their greed a noose, their morals bruised.

The coward steers away in fear,
From the rancid mouth and lustful leer,
But what of those who choose to peer,
Through the haze of falsehood, to persevere.

They say to leave some room for pain to wane,
Yet empty words bear a quixotic bane,
A vessel that's hollow, a siren's lure,
To drag you down, and make you unsure.

To accept without question, their every decree,
A lifeless life, they preach to me,
A path laid out, a dime to pay,
But is it worth the cost?
You must weigh.

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