

I Want It to Be Me.
I want it to be me
I want to be the one
In your arms wrapped tight
Tightly wrapping you in my arms
Home forever with you
My little candlelight
Blazing fire
Missing puzzle piece
You and me together against the world

I want it to be me
Seeing your cute face that you've gone and changed
Going out to have fun while you get drunk and loosen up
Being together tangled up close dancing in the loud party lights
Sneaking up on you in your music side job thing

I want it to be me
Taking care of you whether sad, sick, or hungover
Waking up beside you in the morning light
Staying up way too late laughing and talking and enjoying life
Going to sleep against you in the absence of light

I want it to be me
Accomplished and equal and educated and with a future and a real life
A career and a plan
A way to leave having helped this place

I want it to be me
Holding your heart and your soul and your head
With my head on your chest
With your head tucked into my shoulder
You holding me
Me holding you
Independent yet sharing life
Alive and in love
Being loved back

I want it
I want it all
The good highs
The bad lows
The easy chill
The challenging hardships
To protect you
To be protected

I want it
I want you
I want it to be me now...

-K.T. (Rose) NightThorne

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