

Night Of The Year
Yes it ends,
The year passes and we're still here,
The passing years can't stop our dreams,
Loving ourselves,
Being who we are, the passing can't change that,
We stand alone during the hardships,
But loving makes me strong,
Loving you makes me brave,
Trying to die but when your love appears,
I want to live forever,
I know I must live for you and me,
The angel of yesterday, today and tomorrow,
My beloved is you,
That One that makes the year's end worth it,
And makes the new year worth it,
Beauty lies in your eyes, oh night of the year,
Making us remember ourselves,
Preparing us for the Ahead,
We remember you always,
Oh night of the year,
Your Year End Echoes go through the world,
Even to the beginning and end of it.
© YahBaBlack