

I saw this boy and I got swept off my feet
Just by staring into his deep chocolate eyes, With a glitter of black rings round about it.
When he smiled I get flustered,
When he laughs I just want to listen to it
Over and over again.
When he talks it sounded better than any Musical instrument or music notes

I felt it could work out,
I knew he also felt the sparks and butterflies.
He was a little possessive like a Lycan King
Yet his soft features could be deceiving.
People said because of his religion we couldn't work.

Others said he was too straightforward with them.
He makes not only me but others laugh.
He was my imperfect perfection
I became badly obsessed
Addicted to him like I was on drugs

Like every addiction, they all come to an end
Like every sparks, it all began to quench
Like every musical instruments, it became faulty.
Like every musical notes, it all went wrong.

So I began to wonder, what key was off,
I asked myself where did I go wrong.
He brought up other girls, like they were the current national issues.
He mingled and Jingled with them like they were long lost friends.

I suppose I was the biggest joke ever, cause I wanted him to be the one I would run to, when I get stressed out.
I wanted him to hug me closely and tell me that I'll be ok.

I wanted him to kiss my tears away
I wanted him to make jokes and make me laugh.
I wanted this love not to be one sided.
He was respectful to be but he never brought me up with his friends.

I've been meaning to cry but why would I
I've been wanting to scream but who would listen.
I wanted him to complement me like he did to my friend.

I got suspicious of them
But I let it all go.
I tried to question him how he feels
But he's in denial
Denial that we can't work out
Because he began listening
To what people said.

So I did what I do best, I called it quit.
You know why,
Because I gave my heart to him
And he gave it back to me in pieces.
Funny enough he didn't know that.
And I'm not about to tell him
That was the reason I called it quit.

He was meant to be my Mr imperfect Perfection.
But ended up being the one
Who tainted my heart and never gave a fuck.

He was meant to be
My real life Josh Cheng.
But instead of,
Making me hate the player.
I never got a good morning message,
Never got a goodnight text.

I was just his only source to flying colors.
I fell deeper into his lies.
Always gave me a choice
And and I being I, always chose
To walk in his dark deserted path.

He was meant to be
My Luke Dawson and I his Miley.
He was meant to be
My ACE and I his Sofia.
He was meant to be
My Everest and I his Lia.

But turns out he is my forbidden fruit
And just like Eve I got tempted
And took a bite.
A bite that left a bitter taste in my buds.
A bite that rose the bile up to my throat.

My name never slipped out of his mouth when he's with his friends
But instead referred to me as
"that girl with the glasses"
I laughed it off like it was nothing.

Forgets my name
But always remembers theirs.
Made me look like a fool,
Because I had a meaningless fight
With a good friend of mine.

Noticed that I was in his archived messages,
Hardly responds to my echoes of love
To bad I can't get over this one
Cause I'm at fault. I left myself open Forgetting my worth.

Guess the unknown message of me being a Whore was true,
Guess the rumors of me being easy to get Was right.
LoL, I never showed any emotions but anger And some tears.

But still what good will it bring,
I can't change Anyone.
I can't let him or them define me.
He was meant to be my rock
But ended up being a sinking boat.

This love shall I remember
This story shall I tell
But to them who wants to hear,
Let them hear.

You are your only source of Joy.
Be the main character in your life and
Never give out your heart or take a bite
From that temptious fruit.
Cause it do give you a sour slap on your face And taint it with your beautiful tears

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