

The Coldest Dish (Draft)
The Coldest Dish
Can you hear it?
it's your turn
to trade seats
So I can watch you burn
All of these wasted nights
You will never learn
Used and led me on like a drug
While you let me burn
until I became addicted
but I won't be hooked
You feed off of empathy and wonder why nobody trusts you
But everything and everyone
disgusts you? meanwhile just concerned about how Pretty you look.
The wells will run dry of filler and plastic soon. Finally they will see the the witch who hides under the moon until there is nothing left but your venomous reflection
To think it was all about attention
The lives you wasted the men you used. calling them ugly and eledgeding abuse
your just confused because you been fucking everyone without even lays
But you will know I'm street
when you finally see both ways
I loved you and wanted to grow
Now I must sharpen my blades
for the heaviest blow
I'm going to make you eat out of my hand
Your going to love it with every command.
I'm going to look stunning , you will be blown away
I'm going to pour you the devils drink and make you pray
This Time,This Bed,This Pussy,This Soul,These Lips, These Hips, These Tips, These Nips, This cufflink will be finally MINE
and after I drain you of all you have for me I'll bring breakfast to bed and let the dog eat it. When you ask me why , I'll tell you I never needed it. Yours is in the freezer if you feel like heating it.
I'll get in your head and make you love me. you will touch yourself at the thought of me. On that night my music will play
you will dance with the devil
your world will set ablaze
as you watch it all crumble
I will vanish like a ghost along with your heart.
on the mirror I'll leave you the “you should have took the easy way out"

© Adhdishe