

The Lost Key 🔑
I lost the key of happiness.
It's been long time I smiled with a feel.

I lost the key of peace
This world is crowded with noises and grief.

I lost the key of honesty,
Living among the hipocrates and corrupt society.

I lost the key of success,
Bodies dying, commiting sucides to win the race which is endless.

I lost the key of respect,
Where girl child is been killed, raped or molest!

I lost the key of knowledge,
Youngester are lost in social web and caged.

I lost the key of relationship,
Brothers are killing each for kingship.

I lost the key of humanity,
This world has turned into a place of curelty.

List has no end.. for this might not be the end yet!

© wordsvibes
#LifeQuote #Life #Ilostthekey
#tuesdaythoughts #wordsvibes #lost