

They insult you
They break you
Bring tears to your eyes
Still they can never
Break your confidence

The confidence you have is more stronger than them, their words
More wider than the Pacific Ocean
More higher than Mountain Everest
They break you thinking you'll fall
But instead you rise, you stand

They try to brainwash you
Dirty your mind
But you confidence is within you
They think you are weak
But they know not , you have something more stronger
Your confidence
Your dignity
Your voice

They use your dark past against you
Trying to hurt you
But you say to them,
That was the past, I am in the present looking towards the future

Wow; They say
So you have so much boldness
Yes, yes
I am brave
I am strong
Amd I won't let anyone break me
Because you do no define me, I define myself
I won't let your words cut me down
like a sharpened knife

They torment you
They bully
Try to destroy you
But your have something that cannot be broken
Your confidence
Your inner strength
They you say to them
Enough is enough
Enough of the torment
The insult
The bully
You can't hurt me again
I know who I am
I am brave
Am strong
Am bold

And when I have my confidence with me
Nothing and No one can hurt me
For my confidence is much stronger